YURR, Habgoblins! I’ve got some exciting news to share with you all, if you haven’t heard already. Let’s get into it and what’s coming for the Habtoons Brand.


I can’t believe it but I’ve finally reached YouTube Partner Status. I’ve been waiting on this moment for such a long time and all it took was a passionate video essay “review” of an animated series. This has given me a major boost in confidence, affirming that I am on the right track and reaching the right audiences. At the time of writing this, I’m sitting around 1,300 Subscribers! If you’re one of that 1300 (which I’m sure you are), I want to thank you from the deepest parts of my soul for helping reach this moment! And, it’s only up from here!

If you were able to clock my time on YouTube, I’m sure I’ve got an entire lifetime worth of Watch Hours on there. Haha. I love YouTube and I think it’s the best platform out there for myself and creators like me. I can’t wait to dive deeper into the new features available to me, especially now that channel is monetized. Speaking of, we’ve got YouTube Memberships now too. I’m calling it The Habgoblin Social Club. You can check read more details about it here.

I’d also like to give a special shoutout to our FIRST (of many) channel members: PJ! Thank YOU!


That being said, I’ve decided to leave Twitch. As I’ve stated in previous blogs and videos, I am no longer going to participate in platforms that aren’t serving me personally and as an Artist. Twitch was a wonderful experience during the COVID-19 Lockdown. I met so many incredible people and the channel was doing pretty decent for a while! Unfortunately, overtime, a lot of the growth and community fizzled out. There aren’t many people that interest me on that platform anymore, either. It’s been stagnant. And, with YouTube consistently growing, I’d rather pour my focus into just once place that allows me to have a more enriched experience as both creator and consumer.

The habohtv page will still be up, and I may use it from time to time, but for the foreseeable future, all streams will be on YouTube.


Departing from Twitch to do YouTube full-time will bring some changes to how the schedule is set up. As of right now, we’re still sticking with Tuesday-Friday @12PM EST. So don’t worry about that. Going forward, all broadcasts will take place on YouTube. That means the Art x Gaming Streams, Pop-up Streams, and everything in between will be solely on YouTube.

I’m still figuring out logistics for music and some other background maintenance but starting this coming Tuesday, May 14th, we’ll be on YouTube for the good vibes. New Videos will continue to be uploaded every Friday, with a longer video essay out once a month. Shorts will be once a week on Tuesdays. As the channel grows and the $$$ flows in, I’ll expand the on the frequency of uploads and potentially livestreams. And, as we gain more Habgoblin Social Club Members (Channel Members), I will also expand into Members-Only videos, streams, and posts as well.

With that being said, see y’all soon!


With over 700 posts of exclusive art, downloadables, and content there has never been a better time to be a Habtoons Patreon Member. There’s so much in store for us and I’m excited for this journey together as a community. If you haven’t signed up already, NEW members can sign up for the BAHBI Tier, which is just $1/month. This tier grants you Founder Status (Founding Habgoblin), among other great benefits. This is available for the first 500 new members, so get it in where you fit in. Sign-up today!