1k Before B-Day


I’m now in full swing with publishing videos to YouTube in addition to Livestreaming. It was so nice to be back on, chatting with y’all in real time. The morning stream was especially cool, felt like we were co-working together or something. I’ve also been mad pleased with the growing engagement so far for everything too! So thank YOU for showing up and showing out! My ex-wife was very pleased!!


While I do like Twitch, I just don’t vibe with that platform as much as I do with YouTube. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned a lot with my time on Twitch, especially during the first 2 years of the pandemic. However, YouTube serves more than just streaming. It’s a site creators can utilize to create a hub-like experience for their creations. I love that I have post videos, shorts, streams, polls, and other content all in the same place!

That being said, I have an important goal in mind: reach YouTube Partner Status. This will NOT be an easy task as the requirements are a bit hardcore but I’m willing to bust my ass for it. YouTube Partner Status will enable me to monetize my channel, upload my own emotes for our Premieres and Livestreams, in addition to a bunch of other great features that will elevate my channel to newer heights!

So, I’m calling this new challenge: 1K BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY! My birthday isn’t until September 24th of this year so I figure that would be decent amount of time to get this moving. I need to reach 1000 subscribers (which would be a “follower” on Twitch) AND 4,000 watch hours within, I believe, their own calendar year. It’s the watch hours that I feel may be the more tedious part of it. That’s where y’all come in!


I truly appreciate everyone who has been so incredibly active on the channel since my return. Your engagement matters A LOT. Every like, comment, share and even the length of which you watch a video or stream matters. It tells the YouTube Algorithm that my channel is something worthwhile to be seen by a larger audience, which is what we DO want.

I don’t want to overload myself or you with my content so, as of right now, here’s the current schedule:

+ 1 video per week // Tuesdays
+ 4 livestreams per week // Morning + Evening // Tuesdays & Thursdays
+ Semi-Daily YouTube Shorts (still figuring out timing and quantity)

If you haven’t, check out my most recent videos here:

+ The All-New Hab Oh Experience
+ 7 Worst Habits Visual Artists Have & How To Fix ‘Em!
+ 5 Worst Habits Visual Artists Have & How To Fix ‘Em!
+ My Art: 2016 v 2023, Part 2, Timelapse
+ EPIC Ethel Cast, Timelapse

As the channel grows and I get myself a Video Editor, the volume may increase but right now we’re just vibing with this upload schedule.


After years of working tirelessly within this artrepreneur lifestyle, I finally feel this may actually be my year. Regardless of the struggles I’ve faced, I’m happy to be where I am, happy to have the privilege to create art on a regular basis, and happy to be able to share that with all of you. I don’t know why but I’m feeling emotional as I write this, in a good way.

I just wanted to say, again, thank you all for your ongoing support across all things I create and produce. Let’s make this YouTube Journey the best there ever was!

Until next time, stay gold
- H